say that I don’t like going to amusement parks would be totally incorrect. In my younger days I loved a good Topsy-turvy, world-spinning, near-vomit-inducing string of carnival rides as
well as any kid who likes an exhilarating, gut-wrenching thrill. I’ll admit that as I’ve gotten older, I’ve
encountered a few problems with amusement park rides… mainly that they’ve lost
most of their amusement.
I don’t really fit well into rides which are designed to hold more “Average”
sized people. You know how they have the
little signs at the entrance to the rides which read, “You must be at least
this tall to go on this ride”. Well,
they should probably have one that also shows, “If your legs are longer than
this point, you will suffer knee cap dislocation on the first turn,” or “If
your torso is this Girthy you will suffer rib fractures & collapsed lungs
in the first corkscrew,” or “If your waist size is bigger than this, the lap
bar will crush your pelvis at the first drop off” and so forth. But I’m sure some fear of lawsuit or
discrimination prevents such warnings, which I feel would actually be quite
beneficial for a guy of my… ample
body build.
remember being with my kids on what I think was called the “California
Screamer” at one of the Disneyland locations.
Crammed into the average seat
and harness with my knees already forming dents in the front of the seat well,
I knew there might be trouble before the ride even started. But I was trying to show my kids what a fun
Dad I was, so you know, I was taking it for the team in order to create the
memories. When the ride suddenly went
from a full stop to about a bazillion miles per hour and straight into two
consecutive upside down loop-d-loops, my spine literally compressed and I felt
my legs go numb! I then knew where the
“California Screamer” screams were coming from!
the ride came to a much welcomed stop, I ran through a quick physical
assessment and was pleased to find that I could still feel and move my legs and
was able to walk (albeit awkwardly) without having to call Mickey for an
ambulance ride. My “Common Sense”
personality cried out to the “Cool Dad” personality and jolted into a memory a
long ago carnival ride, which should have taught me my carnival ride lesson
many years before.
was probably around 14 years old on that fateful day, and a youth group from
our church had taken a trip from our Idaho home to a neighboring state to visit
and amusement park for the day. We
arrived early as the gates were just opening, and rushed inside so as to not
miss out on any fun, only to realize that many of the rides wouldn’t be open
for riding until another hour or so.
With only a few of the smaller rides operating at the early hours, my
friend Brad and I scoured of the map of the park, and finally decided to head
towards a ride in which its early victims were emitting what sounded like
screams of delight.
was a Ferris wheel design with about 7-8 egg-shaped metal cages which not only
went up and down with the spinning of the wheel, but also contained a lever bar
inside, which if you pulled would lock your cart in position and allow you to
make the revolutions upside down. If you
were a real thrill seeker, you could both push and pull on the lever during the
rotations and engage in a fully brain-rattling series of forward and backward
spins as you attempted to defy the laws of gravity. Being just 14, and with they day just
starting, of course we fell into the “real thrill seeker” category.
eagerly and willingly submitted to allowing ourselves to be strapped and locked
into the cage. I remember the carnival
worker slamming down a metal bar on the door, which meant it could only be
opened from the outside when the ride was over.
Of course at the time, I wasn’t thinking about anything but the thrill
of the next few moments. Nothing else in
the future or past seemed to matter. All
consciousness was focused on the present exhilaration as the wheel began to
quickly pick up speed. Our shouts of
excitement mingled with the riders of the other cages as we spun willy-nilly
through the air. UNTIL….. a great
shuddering brought the revolving metal wheel to an abrupt and unexpected stop!

carnival worker who had so eagerly invited us onto the terrible trap was
helpless to provide aid, as he flipped the switches and pulled on the levers
without result. Our pleas for assistance
fell on deaf ears.
head pounded from the strain as we hung for what seemed like an eternity, but
was probably a matter of only ten to fifteen agonizing minutes. The lever bar was locked in position and
despite our straining; we could not release it to flip ourselves upright. Even if we could have removed the restrictive
harness, we were still helplessly trapped in a cage which could only be opened
from the outside and which hung suspended at a height which would have caused
significant, life changing injuries. We
were completely helpless and unable to change our condition.
a concerned park manager heard our cries came running to the scene. With expert
precision he inspected the motor box and mechanisms, and within a matter of
minutes flipped some switches and returned us and the other riders safely to
ground level. I had never seen a more
welcome sight or concerned face as he personally unlocked us from our temporary
prison. My pain and anger was superseded
by the gratitude I felt for this savior who had come to our rescue.
the time, I failed to realize the great lesson these events would teach
me. But as I reflect on what happened, I
cannot help but recognize the parallels to this mortal life we live and
experience each day.
world about us is filled with enticements of momentary thrill, excitement,
exhilaration and pleasure. All we have
to do is give up our freedom and allow ourselves to be restricted and bound to
the actions. Addictive drugs,
alcoholism, pornography, and a host of other lures promise a temporary release
from reality and a false sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. But what we fail to realize is that we cannot
control the results of these choices.
false and temporary thrill is soon gone and we find that we cannot control the
consequences. Broken hearts and homes,
financial ruin, loss of employment and health are some of the unexpected
results we do not think about or foresee when we are focused on the
satisfaction of the moment. Then,
whether we would admit it or not, our lives are turned upside down, and we are
trapped in a prison of our sin and behavior from which we cannot escape without
for us, we have an expert who always hears our cries, and is willing and ready
to answer our sincere, heartfelt calls for relief. He is our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Only He can
fix what our errant choices have broken, turn upright what is upside down in
our lives, and restore us to solid ground and offer release from the prison
which can only be unlocked from His outside help.
previously mentioned, despite the difficulties of that day and what I suffered,
I returned to other carnival rides throughout my life, and as I explained, they
brought physical distress and emotional suffering.
Similarly in my life, at times, some of the
choices I have made have not been wise.
Despite our attempts at perfection, all of us repeatedly fall prey to
errant choices and mistakes to one degree or another.
I am grateful for the One who has the compassion, understanding and love to come to our assistance when we realize our error and call to him for help. And I know from experience that no matter what our condition or state of distress, He will always come if we turn to him. That is why we call Him our Savior!