Plain As The Nose On Your Face
No, it’s okay… I’ll admit it. I’ve got a bit of a big nose! Not the huge bulbous kind that
looks like a
tennis ball with nostrils, but the longer skinny kind, with a narrow bridge
which is crooked and tilted off a bit towards the right side. If I were to literally comply with the age
old advice to “Follow your nose”, my journey would be a large clockwise circle
which could be measured by the exact degree to which my nasal septum
deviates. Trauma will do that to a nose…especially
multiple traumatic events.
Although I am sure there were many
blunt force episodes to the most forward part of my face over the years, I can
remember three specific events which I will recount today.
The first happened in sixth grade PE
class at the old Washington Elementary school on Main Street, which has long since
been torn down. On this particularly
fine day, our class was engaged in an epic and ruthless game of dodge ball. Now when you are a young, not yet developed 6th
grader, you can only grasp and throw a big 11” rubber dodge ball with limited
force and control, and typically don’t inflict or receive much damage. But amongst the collection of rubber balls in
the gym closet at Washington Elementary, were a hand full of smaller 6”
diameter globes of death we referred to as “cherry bombs”! When inflated with enough PSI, these small
projectiles packed a bit of a sting when hurled with accuracy. Lucky for us, our puny pre-pubescent arms
didn’t pack much of a punch.
But on this particular day, we had
encouraged our teacher, Mr. Erickson to join in our battle to the death, in
thoughts that it would be fun to peg our teacher with balls and have it be
legal and acceptable. After all, how
else could a kid get back at the man who docked you a few points on your last
spelling test?

A humorous side story to this event
was that after having halftime of the game to staunch the bleeding from my nose,
our team was kicking off to begin the second half. While running down the field full speed on
the kickoff, an opposing player stepped in front of me to block my
progress. As we impacted an enormous
amount of coagulated blood and snot which had filled my nasal cavity during
halftime, was ejected out through my broken nose, bypassing my face mask and
splattering all over the chest of the opposing player! I remember the look of shock and horror on
his face as he looked down at his jersey after the play. Unhurt and now breathing better, I laughed
and ran off, but I am sure that over the years since he has exaggerated the
story, and not knowing of my previous injury, has told his kids of the time
that he hit a player so hard he literally knocked his brains out.
The third traumatic blow to my
protruding proboscis occurred on a dark and quiet night. I was in high school and my room was in the
deep, dark recesses of the basement.
Awakening from a sound sleep, I realized I needed to use the
bathroom. Not wanting to awaken my
brother, who was still fast asleep, by turning on a light, I arose and made my
way toward the door. Now at night, in a
basement with no windows or lights on other than a minuscule fraction of light reflected
around several corners and down a flight of stairs, I was pretty blind as I
staggered forward. I recalled that we
had left our bedroom door partially open and I didn’t want to run into it, so I
plodded ahead waving my arms back and forth in front of me like a lurching
zombie or Frankenstein monster for several slow, cautious seconds. Mentally calculating that I surely had passed
the doorway at this point, my bladder reported that I needed to quicken my pace
to the designated objective.
Lowering my hands partially to my
sides, I strode ahead out into what I expected to be the hallway. Imagine my sniffer’s surprise when I thumped
fully unguarded and face first into the edge of the open door. Although it wasn't at high speed, in my sleepy stupor it might have well been a stiff boxers jab to the face. Once again the blood flowed from my nasal
orifices, albeit off to the aforementioned right angle.
Now all these years later, I am
reminded of such events every time I look into the mirror or try to take a deep
breath through my deviated septum. So what can I possibly glean from these
traumatic events and their ever-present facial reminder?
From the dodge ball episode, I
learned to be ever vigilant and never take your eyes off the potential
spiritual attack of the Adversary. I am
reminded of the story in the Old Testament in Judges, chapter 7 when Gideon is
instructed of the Lord to select only 300 soldiers for his army to fight
against the Midianites. The sign he was
given to know which men to select was to have the men come and drink from the
river. Most lowered their heads to drink
with their mouths to the water or knelt down and bent forward. But those few who
kept their head up and alert to potential threats from the enemy as they used
their hands to raise the water to their lips were those chosen and worthy to
fight for the Lord… and they were victorious, despite their small numbers, in
their battle against a Midianite army which was “without number”. I think the
Lord would have all of us be ever vigilant and alert against the numberless
temptations and spiritual attacks which might be thrown at us at any moment if
we aren’t paying attention.
My football fracture indicates that
we must make every effort to ensure that we are properly clad in the armor of
God (See Ephesians 6:10-18), including the helmet of salvation.
“For we wrestle
not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness…
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to
withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” Most likely, most of us tend to run around in
the competitive game of life with pieces of our armor loose or missing, and when
we encounter those collisions which mortality throws in our path, we suffer the
unprotected consequences and pain. When
properly and securely padded in my football gear, I experienced many violent
collisions without incident, but when we have chinks in our armor we are all
In my darkened basement bedroom, I
collided with an obstacle that I knew was there and thought I was prepared to
handle, but just when I thought I was in control of the situation and knew my
bearings, I became overly confident in my ability to negotiate the darkness
safely without the simple assistance light could have provided. Lowering my guard and lacking clear vision, I
slammed face first into something I could have easily avoided. In life, if not careful, we can all fall victim
to overconfidence in our own ability to do things on our own. We fail to take the effort to do those things
that will shed a more clear light onto our surroundings and give us clear
vision to avoid the pitfalls and stumbling blocks which are strewn along our
path. Thinking we can negotiate the
darkness on our own, without the light and help the Lord has to offer us, we
will undoubtedly experience some unnecessary hard knocks.
The good news is that, despite the
short term blood, sweat and tears we spiritually suffer, that the Lord helps us
to heal our wounds, learn and keep moving forward. As I look at my crooked nasal reflection, I
am glad that he has left me a small reminder of these lessons learned, so that
hopefully I can avoid repeating them again in the years to come.
Happy days, friends! Remember to keep your armor secure, your guard
up and stay in the light!
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