A Cure for Driving Boredom
The Dukes of Hazard vs.
Chinese Mafia
My current employment as a home
health physical therapist, has me traveling about to visit patients all day, on
the highways and rural byways of 3 Southeast Idaho counties. The company car which I am assigned to drive
(for which I am very grateful) is a small economy compact (emphasis on the compact) model that often leaves me feeling
like Mr. Incredible getting in and out of his little beater on the classic animated
Although I enjoy my job and the
people I work with (well… most of them), and am extremely grateful to have
steady employment, the life of a road warrior can get pretty boring some days. The radio provides some relief, but after a
certain amount of time, the tunes and talking points blend into a reverberating
cacophony which gives me a headache.
Silence is a welcome companion at times, when I can ponder the important
things in life, but when you live a rather simple and uneventful life, the
inner mental mileage can only take you so far.
As I pondered what I could do to
cure the boredom of driving and add a little excitement to my day, a long ago driving
memory came back to me from my days as a missionary for the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints in Los Angeles, way back in 1986. (Man that makes
me feel old!)
It was a warm, boring late fall day
somewhere in the streets of San Pedro, and my companion at the time, Elder Todd Bay,
was driving our small mission car through the normal congestion of traffic. I don't know why it was, but in the short time Elder Bay and I were companions, I have more epic journal entry stories than I had with all my other companions combined. Maybe it was divine fate or some mad chemistry, but something crazy was always going on when we were together!
It should be noted, that appearing as young, clean cut guys with white shirts, suits, ties, sunglasses and name badges, there were times when from a distance, missionaries could easily be mistaken for immigration officers, FBI, etc… as we walked the urban streets of L.A. and its surrounding suburbs, which were rife with illegal immigrants, gang bangers, drug dealers and so forth. On more than one occasion, people would see us coming and they would scatter like roaches into alleys or nearby buildings. Come to think about it, maybe they did know we were missionaries after all and were just running so we didn’t corner them for an impromptu sermon!
It should be noted, that appearing as young, clean cut guys with white shirts, suits, ties, sunglasses and name badges, there were times when from a distance, missionaries could easily be mistaken for immigration officers, FBI, etc… as we walked the urban streets of L.A. and its surrounding suburbs, which were rife with illegal immigrants, gang bangers, drug dealers and so forth. On more than one occasion, people would see us coming and they would scatter like roaches into alleys or nearby buildings. Come to think about it, maybe they did know we were missionaries after all and were just running so we didn’t corner them for an impromptu sermon!
But on this particular day, we were
stuck in heavy traffic at an intersection, our small Toyota Corolla idling
amongst the smog and exhaust of the day and surrounding vehicles. Elder Bay was driving as I sat in the
passenger seat. As I opened the glove box to consult with a map (no fancy GPS
thingies back in those days), much to my surprise, I found my camera, which I
had been missing for a few weeks. As I
excitedly pulled it out and closed the jockey box, the neck strap on the camera
closed inside the latch. In an moment of
19 year old missionary brilliance, Elder Bay look over and saw me holding the
small boxy camera, with strap coming out of the dash and said, “Hey, that kind
of looks like a police radio or something.”
And thus our adventure was born!
I rolled down the window, and
holding the camera in my hand so as to disguise its identity, I leaned my tan, sun
glassed face out the window and began to make a show as if I was reading off
the license plate numbers of nearby cars into my “police/FBI radio” as we moved
through several streets and intersections.
It was all great, harmless fun to see the reactions of people as the
looks or confusion, nervousness, or mocking laughter crossed their faces, and was
an excellent remedy for the few minutes of boredom in an otherwise normal,
uneventful day. Or at least we thought
Upon stopping at the next
intersection, I began repeating the humorous drill. Partially behind and to the right side of us,
was a windowless van, with a 30-something, bald Chinese man behind the
wheel. Wearing what my wife now refers
to as my, “serious eyebrows” I leaned slightly out the window and began
reciting the van’s license plate number into the back of my official looking
FBI radio-camera. The reaction we got
from the Chinese man was not at all what we were expecting!
He became very animated, nervously
glancing around as he reached down and pulled out... (Now I need to preface
this next remark with a reminder that this was in the mid-1980’s and before the
time of cell phones and wireless technology)… Yep, he pulled out a huge
military style walkie-talkie and started yelling in Chinese to someone on the
other end of the radio!
Now it was me who nervously spun
around in my seat as I stammered to Elder Bay, “Holy Crap! He’s got a walkie-talkie!” As the light turned green and we started
moving forward, the van sharply cut off the car behind us and began aggressively
tailing us, as the driver continued his excited chatter into the radio, which
for all we knew was in touch with an endless number of heavily armed, Chinese
mafia hit men, who were ready to soon surround us to protect the drugs, dead
bodies or whatever he was carrying in the back of his windowless van!
What started out as a casual, “let’s
just wander around and lose him” quickly advanced into a true Hollywood-style
car chase! Boredom and games now thrust into the past, Elder Bay began the
rapid transformation from crew cut, mild mannered missionary, into an urban
NASCAR driver. His sweaty palms gripped
the wheel as he jockeyed through traffic while I shouted fearful reports of how
the van was forcing his way through the melee to stay on our tail.
In a moment of panic, Elder Bay made
the decision to leave the crowded residential streets and try to out run the
beefy van on the freeway. Pedal to the tin can metal, the tiny 4 cylinder
engine on our small mission car whined in protest as we merged into the 4-lane-wide
speeding traffic… the Chinese mafia man not far behind. Our car shuttered and
vibrated under the strain of speed, as if the small squirrels on their wheels
under the hood which powered our car would soon fly off to their doom if not
for the sheer terror that death awaited them unless they kept sprinting beyond
tolerable velocity. The large van with its
roaring engine quickly and easily closed the distance between us.
As copilot, I dutifully screamed out
openings in the traffic as we careened about in an unsuccessful attempt to
outrun the powerful van, whose driver no doubt in my imagination, now surely
held a machine gun across his lap, just waiting to move up alongside us to
spray us with bullets! Seeing an
opening, Elder Bay whipped us out two lanes to the far left, tires squealing,
as we passed a slower moving semi-truck and trailer.
As the van cut off another car and
began to come up behind us beside the truck’s trailer, Elder Bay pulled a
rather brilliant, but desperate maneuver.
As we cleared the front of the semi, he whipped the wheel to the right,
cutting across two or three lanes of traffic (all the while as I screamed and
prayed that there would not be any cars in the inner lanes we were now crossing
with abandon) and headed toward the approaching freeway exit. It would have been an excellent idea, except
for the fact that because of our speed we were now already past the beginning of
the exit ramp which longingly sloped downward and off to our right. With our white knuckles clutching at the
wheel and dashboard and our throats dryly crying out how much we loved our
mothers and hoped to return home to see them again someday, we shot out off the
edge of the freeway and into space. All
we were missing was the horn from the “Dukes of Hazard” General Lee blaring
through the air with us!

In our dirt-flying, rubber-tire-
smoking, jolting-at-an-angle moment of impact on the asphalt of the exit ramp,
I wasn’t quite sure if we were actually up on just two wheels for a moment, or
if that was an optical illusion which occurred as my head bounced off the glass
of the passenger window. Were those
angels on the side of the car, keeping us from flipping over, or just stars
shooting through my skull from the blunt trauma?
After several dust-filled,
fish-tailing moments passed, we finally came to comfortable and welcome stop
behind a few other cars at the end of the exit ramp. A quick glance confirmed that the Chinese
mafia van was now far ahead, trapped in the advancing traffic of the
freeway. Our escape nearly complete, we
took several wandering back roads to our home in Palos Verdes as our terror, sweat
and shaking slowly subsided. So much for
our plans for another boring, uneventful day!
Recalling this distant memory as I
puttered about in my little home health car, I suddenly became aware of the
realization than plain, old, dull driving wasn’t such a bad thing after all;
for sometimes our desires for excitement don’t exactly bring the type of
excitement we are expecting.
As I turned on the boring radio, I
felt grateful that the Lord was mindful enough of my situation in life, to
allow me safe travel as I go about each day, and thankful that He was mindful
of watching out for two young, naive missionaries in California those many
years ago. No doubt it was because the
prayers of our mothers back home in our behalf, for the Lord to care for their
foolish and inexperienced sons in far away, wild Los Angeles. Thanks Mom!!!
Over the years, I’ve occasionally
wondered about the Chinese mafia man, and what his real story might have
actually been and why he was chasing us.
Did his search for us continue after that day we lost him on the
Oh well, its moments like those that
make memories in life, and help us appreciate the simple and lackluster moments
that occupy the majority of our existence in our mortal journey.
Hey wait…. Is that a van following
behind me?
hahaha, what an excellent adventure you had and you and your kids and grandkids will retell this many, many times. And YES, I prayed for you always!